Hello and welcome to the website for the Waendel Walkers' Club. Should you have any feedback or suggestions for content please email me using the link here
Thank you for visiting this website and for your interest in our club.
You can also find our discussion group on Facebook by using the link here and
share your own walking stories
After our walk from The Horseshoe, Lavendon, where 60+ attended(!!), the next walk will take place on Sunday 2nd February, and will see us walking from The Saint John's Arms, Melchbourne.
As usual the desk will open around 09.30 so please do not arrive before then as the location may well have had a late Saturday and neither the venue nor the walk leader will be ready for you. We regret we continue to have to make this request but we have had a couple of complaints from our venues and we really do not wish to alienate them and thereby discourage them from hosting our events.
The Wednesday walk series will start again on 16th April 2025 so start putting the dates in your calendars.
Social Events Update.
What a great night had by all at the OG's, so many thanks go to Paul and Julie Crocket for organising the event, and we can't wait for the next one in 2025!
Coach Trip News.
The December 2024 London Trip! WOW, what a great walk that was, although overcast, grey and, at times, wet the markets themed route certainly added plenty of colour to the day and was clearly enjoyed by all. Will it be the last London trip? Well, if the response on the coach was anything to go by then I suspect not, although, from time to time, considering other city locations should be considered. So, if you've got an idea of your own then we'll be happy hear about it.
The next coach trip will be on the 13th April, so keep watching for updates on this.
Walk Leaders still required. We now have walk leaders assigned for all walks in 2024. We still need to extend our group of volunteers to organise a walk or two in 2025. If you would like to help out it would be appreciated and first timers will be fully supported by one of us. For more details please contact our walk co-ordinator Graham Baker using the contact details on the committee page of this website.
Of Interest:
The British Walking Federation (BWF) of which we a member has launched two new challenges:
Royal Connections Special Programme and Rivers Special Programme - Launched
If your interested then you can learn all about it via the British Walking Federation Website
Long Distance Walkers Association (LDWA): Note, our club has for many years been an Affiliated Member of the LDWA but, from the end of December 2024, this type of membership will not be possible, affecting all such clubs. However, if you're interested, individuals can continue to be part of the LDWA then they would be pleased to welcome you as full members of the Association. The current individual membership is a very modest £15 pa
2025 Walk Dates. As you will see the dates for our 2025 walking events are now here for you to put in your shiny new 2025 diaries (or more likely your smartphones). The walk leaders and venues are gradually being defined and will be added to this website as soon as venues have been confirmed so please check back regularly for the latest information. Again, if you're interested in us using one of your own walks, then please talk to one of the committee and we'll always be happy to help.
2024 AGM Highlights. The 2024 Annual General Meeting took place on Thursday 13th June at the Old Grammarians HQ and was attended by 17 members. Now that all relevant parties have been notified we can announce that our designated charity for 2024-2025 will be Glamis Hall, and that member awards have been selected as Dean Chester - Achievement award for completing every Sunday walk in 2024 and Member award to John Searle for his continuing support to the club particularly helping with our walks in Cambridgeshire. Dean's award was presented at the June coach trip and John's was presented at the Eltisley event. Increases in membership subscriptions and walk fees were presented at the AGM and were agreed by all attending members. Details appear in the next paragraphs:
Membership Fees Price Change. Annual membership will be increased for the first time in over 10 years and will change from £4 to £5. This change will take effect from next membership year, starting on January 1st, 2025. Anyone who has already pre-paid for next year or beyond will not be subject to this increase retrospectively. New members will be charged at the increased rate immediately.
Series Walk Fees Change - Important Update - please read. As has previously been announced, walk fees will increase by 50p to £1.00, and non-member walk fees from £1.00 to £2.00. However after a recent committee meeting it has been agreed that this increase will be postponed for all walks until January 2025. This deferral had already been announced for the Wednesday series but we can confirm it will now also apply for the Sunday series. This will be the first increase in walk fees for at least 15 years!!